Last week we learned about Ray’s leaky gut, a sign that his gut is now home to an unwelcome amount of bad bacteria. To help relieve his unpleasant digestive symptoms Ray is Resting his gut by cutting out his trigger foods, the complex carbs in wheat, dairy and corn that his body was only partially digesting.
The next step for Ray was Repair, and last week we talked about some of the supplements we might recommend to help heal the inner lining of Ray’s intestine.
Finally we are ready for the third R, Replenish.
The good bacteria that live in the human gut (there are about 400 types) reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and protect the inner lining of the digestive tract. The largest group of probiotic bacteria in the intestine is lactic acid bacteria, of which Lactobacillus acidophilus, found in yogurt, is the best known. Other types of probiotics include different strains of Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces boulardii. Saccharomyces boulardii has been described as the yeast probiotic, as it has been shown to antagonize disease-causing bacteria.
Good bacteria also have important functions in the digestive process, producing enzymes that help us extract nutrients from plants, and producing vitamin K and some of the B vitamins.
To replenish the good bacteria in Ray’s gut it is necessary for him to add probiotics to his diet through food or dietary supplements. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the friendly bacteria found in the human gut. Unpasteurized fermented foods are a natural food source of probiotics (sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, cheese). Yogurt is also a source of probiotics since probiotics are added after pasteurization (to replace the naturally occurring probiotics killed in the heat of pasteurization).
Getting probiotics through food is important but it may not be enough to replenish a depleted gut. It is then important to visit a reputable supplement dispensary for a good quality supplement.
Again, hang in there Ray! With some time and sound nutrition choices you may be able to slowly introduce some of your offending foods back in to your diet (in moderation of course).