Brother Barts’ Detox

eezing several batches. He continues to eat 6lbs of meat per week, minimal fish, and 2-4lbs of chicken per week. He does eat vegetables and fruit every day and less sweet foods. He often during this period stops alcohol and recreational drugs altogether. His smoking habit is one that fluctuated with his social crowd. He quits all vises on a routine basis a couple of times per year.

JUNE 2006 – The latest outbreak. This time the outbreak is painful, bleeding, oozing, and scaly. His hands and feet are the worst. He is unable to stand because of the raw open sores on his feet and has to quit work. He isolated himself because of pain, depression and embarrassment to meet new people. Again his efforts exhaust what the medical system has to offer. He ventured from London, Hamilton and Windsor to have varied treatments. This continues for another year.

Spinal tap

Blood tests for liver function


Continued medications for drepression, and inflammation

June 2007 – Barty finally calls his sister for her advice that he hasn’t been able to hear throughout the previous years.

Melissa’s recommendations: Stop all red meat injestion, no coffee, no processed foods. 8weeks of brown rice, fresh organic vegetables, tamari for rice, organic butter, 3litres of water per day, 2 fresh lemons per day and 1 fish meal daily. No pasta or flour foods. Barty is desperate and listens to his sister this time.

September 2007 – Ready for the detox. Bart and Melissa venture up to Campbellford to a retreat for a controlled environment detoxification. Four days for Melissa of no food but plenty of liver rich vegetable drinks. I really miss my coffee. Bartley stayed 6 days on pure water, vegetable juice and sulfur protein shakes. After the controlled detox he heads home to his secluded residence where he continued to cleanse. He did a Cola-Vada liver cleanse and abstaining from food and alcohol for another 20days. Cola – Vada included nutrients for the liver and kidney and chelating charcoal. He had large, white, black and colon shaped excrements. He continued with pure water and lemon.

Daily his hands and feet improved. He did not use any topical creams or soap.

37 days post detox: Bart is 22pounds lighter, and his hands and feet are normal and supple. He has not had an outbreak or any skin disorder symptoms. His diet is usually plain and natural with regular servings of his beloved pasta. He has returned to red meat but in smaller servings and balanced to fish ratios.

He now knows that his sister Melissa is way, way smarter than him!!