Correcting Posture Imbalances

parts together in order to understand the whole. It is still important to understand muscle based techniques, but this needs to be set in the context as a whole. (ie – You have low-back pain but your pelvis is level, not excessively tilted forward or back. The tension may be originating in the rounded mid-back.)

Summary: Myofascial therapy addresses the interrelationship of muscle fascia across extended lines and planes throughout the body. True myofascial therapy takes a global view of the individuals alignment and movement patterns. The body’s anatomy transmits strain and restriction of movement through absorbed tension in fascial webbing. Fascial therapy ‘unpins’ the tight, stuck facia to allow the muscle bundles to move more freely and allow the skeleton to align naturally, free of tension. When thinking ‘fascia’ think of tension, posture and alignment and ‘muslces’ is the functional part with specific, controlled movement.

Myofascial therapy is an essential component to fitness training and injury rehabilitation.